

    Thank you for your interest in Unity Christian School! 

    Unity Christian is a multi-denominational school that seeks to partner with Christian families to nurture students' God-given potential as they humbly serve God's world. Our school's tagline, LEARNING and LIVING in CHRIST, is something we strive to embody in all aspects of our school life.

    At Unity Christian School, we deeply believe in the crucial role of parents in their children's education. We see ourselves as partners with you, working together to raise and educate your child. We also recognize the significant influence of the Church in a child's faith formation. Our faith is rooted in the belief that the Bible is the infallible word of God, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead, and that God is sovereign over every square inch of the world.

    Admissions Process

    Step 1: Inquiry: Do the following statements describe your family?

    • We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour. 
    • We accept the Bible as the infallible Word of God.
    • Our families' rhythms and practices in our home reflect the Lordship of Christ over all things. 
    • Our family is actively involved in a Christian church.
    • Our family desires a Christ-centred education and is committed to partnering with Unity Christian School.
    • Our family is prepared to support the mission and vision of Unity Christian School and financially contribute to its operating costs.

    If all of these statements describe your family, we invite you to complete our Inquiry Form. Our Admissions Office will be happy to send you an information package and a link to schedule an educational consultation.

    Step 2: Educational Consultation - Our System Principal will give you a scheduled tour of our Pre-K to Grade 12 campus. He will also share our school's history, mission, vision, and details about our education program. 

    Step 3: Complete Application Form - Complete the application form and submit all required documentation. The Admissions Team, the Director of Educational Support Services, the division Vice-Principal, and our System Principal will all review your application package. All applications are assessed according to our Admissions Policy, Educational Support Services Policy, Class Size Policy, and Waitpool Guidelines.

    Step 4: Application Decision - The decision to accept a student is based on several factors, including our ability to meet your child's educational needs, the current class size and composition, and our capacity to support the diverse needs of our current students. Our Admissions Office will notify families of the admissions decision.

    Step 5: Offer of Admission - If you receive an Offer of Admission, please respond within 48 hours to secure your child's spot at Unity Christian School. Once you submit your response, your child will officially be enroled.

    Step 6: Get Connected! We look forward to welcoming your family to the Unity Christian School community! There are many ways to connect at Unity Christian School, which we'll share in our welcome email. Additionally, we have several events at the beginning of the school year that you won't want to miss, including:

    • Kindergarten Summer Meet-Up
    • Summer classroom tours to ease first-day jitters
    • Back to School BBQ
    • New Parent/Caregiver Orientation

    Admissions Inquiry Form

    Please fill out this form:
      • Select all that apply.
      • Select all that apply.

    Application Dates

    • November 1st: Applications for Kindergarten through Grade 12 are available
    • February: Decisions regarding Kindergarten applications are communicated
    • March-June: Decisions regarding Grade 1 to 12 applications are communicated
    • April 1st: Application deadline for students with an IEP (Individualized Education Program)
    • June 30th: Class lists will be shared with families

    The admissions deadline for September entry is June 1st each year. We strongly encourage families to submit their applications well before this date. Applications received after June 1st are considered "late applications." Late applications may prevent us from completing the admissions process in time for the start of school in September.

    Please be aware that most members of our Admissions Team are unavailable during the summer months, specifically in July and August. If you submit an inquiry or application during this time, it will not be reviewed until late summer. This may significantly delay the admissions process and your child's start date.

    If you have any questions about the admissions process, please contact our Admissions Office at 604-794-7797 or send us an email.


    We offer bussing for all students with pick-up locations from Agassiz to Yarrow, Fairfield Island to Promontory.Bussing fees are not included in the tuition. For more information, please contact our Bus Coordinator, Cheryl Visser.